
Poorna Kumbhamela - 2018 celebrated in Santhigiri Ashram


Pothencode: Poorna Kumbha Mela was celebrated in Santhigiri Ashram in commemoration of Navajyoti Sri Karunakara Guru’s spiritual completion in 1973 which, according to the believers, marked a new era of spiritual renaissance in the world. It is a festival of prayers which falls on the 4th of Kanni-ME (September) every year. The highlight is a colourful procession by thousands of devotees carrying kumbhams filled with sacred concoctions with the accompaniment of parasols, percussions, etc. chanting Guru Mantra. The devotees observe 11 days’ vows for participating in the Kumbhamela. The devotees believe that by taking Kumbhams for 12 consecutive years there will be cure from all types of karmic as well as ancestral debilities and ailments.
